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Consultant Date Timeslot

24. marts 2021
kl. 15:00 - 16:00

International Startup café

Are you looking to start and run a business in Denmark?

We can guide you now also online through the process of opening your business, as well as developing, running and strengthening it after you start.

International Startup Café always starts with a real-life story. Then you will get a brief overview of the most important steps in setting up your own business. And finally, you have the opportunity to ask about entrepreneurship in Denmark or more about your own situation.

What are we offering?

Hobro International Hub has many offers for international citizens. Some examples of the activities are:

  • International Startup Café
  • Entrepreneurs Fridays Café
  • Specialized advice about start and run a business in Denmark
  • Teaching entrepreneurship
  • Teaching in Danish
  • Networking
  • Job matchmaking

You are welcome to send your request to Edin Hajder at or mobil 28 96 55 72.

Link for the webinar will be sent to you before the event.

The event is a collaboration with International House North Denmark

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+45 2520 1510